About us

Consumer Competition Claims Foundation

Our mission: protecting the consumer

The Consumer Competition Claims Foundation protects European consumers against unfair commercial practices and violations of consumer law.

When companies abuse their dominant position or form cartels, you suffer damage as a consumer. For example, if a cartel or monopolist is controlling or manipulating the market, you will pay prices higher than you should be paying. That is when the foundation takes action. It makes every effort to ensure that the unfair, unlawful conduct stops and that the damage and loss is repaid to the consumer. We always try to find a solution in consultation first. But if necessary, we go to court.

In legal terms, the foundation takes action on behalf of European consumers against infringements of competition law, fraudulent or misleading acts, unfair commercial practices and violations of consumer law.

Non-profit and independent

The foundation is independent and has both a Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. The foundation operates on a non-profit basis. We represent the consumers, without wanting to make a profit in exchange for our representation.

Claim Code

The foundation adheres to the Dutch governance code for foundations and associations representing collective interests (the so-called Claim Code). We have an accountability document in which we explain how we apply the Claim Code. This includes the remuneration of directors of the foundation. You can find this document here.

Board of Directors

Albert Heikens

Albert Heikens is the chair of the foundation. Albert is an experienced director and supervisory board member. Albert was managing partner of the international law firm AKD for eight years, is a supervisory director at several companies and has also been chairman of one of the larger Dutch educational institutions. Albert will now use his broad administrative and supervisory experience as chairman of the foundation.

Ariënne Gommers 

Ariënne Gommers is a general board member. She is a competition law expert at AGLegal. She previously worked for the Dutch competition authority, the Autoriteit Consument & Markt, for over twelve years. She has in-depth expertise in the field of (European) competition law. After having been active in the public enforcement of competition law as a regulator, she now helps to work on the private enforcement of competition law as a board member of the foundation. Earlier in her career, Ariënne worked as a lawyer at Wijn & Stael advocaten, where she gained extensive experience in procedural law. She also has experience as a supervisory board member in the healthcare sector.  

Wim Kraaijeveld

Wim is the financial director of the foundation. Wim is a very experienced financial expert and director. He has worked for many years as partner in the assurance practice of PwC, where he was responsible for the development of the Middle Market practice. He has also held management positions at various PwC offices. Wim currently holds various committee positions and other supervisory positions in private companies and semi-governmental organisations.

Supervisory Board

Hans de Savornin Lohman

Hans de Savornin Lohman is a lawyer in the field of corporate and commercial litigation at VerbeekdeCaluwé. From 1991 to 2015 Hans worked at law firm Loyens & Loeff. Hans is also a deputy justice in the Court of Appeal in The Hague. He is a member of the supervisory board of a foundation dedicated to consumers who were victims of the diesel scandal. 

Inge-Lisa Toxopeus

Inge-Lisa Toxopeus is a seasoned financial expert. Inge-Lisa started her career at PwC in 1998. There she gained extensive experience in auditing both large multinationals and smaller organisations. As a registered accountant, she specialised in fraud investigations and the estimation of financial losses. In 2007, Inge-Lisa made the switch to NautaDutilh. As of 2012, she is a partner at Hermes-Advisory, where she specialises in the estimation of financial losses and support in legal disputes. Inge-Lisa is a lecturer at the Erasmus School of Accounting & Assurance. She is listed in the Netherlands Register of Court Experts with the specialisation of financial losses investigation. 

Giorgio Monti

Giorgio Monti is chair of the Supervisory Board. Giorgio Monti is professor of Competition Law at the Tilburg University and research fellow at the Center for Regulation in Europe. He has held positions at the London School of Economics and the European University Institute. He has nearly 30 years of experience in researching and teaching law, with expertise in EU, UK and US competition law in particular. As scientific director of the Florence Competition Programme he helped devise a successful judicial training programme, which attracts judges from all EU Member States. He has provided policy reports on a number of EU initiatives, including the Geo-Blocking Regulation and the Digital Markets Act. He is the co-author of one of the leading student books on EU Law and a joint editor of one of the principal journals in the field: the Common Market Law Review. 

Central Insolvency Registry

Through the website of the Dutch Central Insolvency Registry (rechtspraak.nl – in Dutch) you can verify that Stichting Consumenten Competition Claims is not in bankruptcy, no petition for bankruptcy is pending, no suspension of payments has been granted to Stichting Consumenten Competition Claims and no (public) WHOA proceedings are pending.

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